The reason I paint

The simple things are also the most extraordinary things, and only the wise can see them.
— Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

You've heard the old saying ''a picture's worth a thousand words''? That's because art can get ideas across using a different kind of vocabulary. Some people respond more to visual images than words. Like most artists, I try to communicate through my art with the viewer. My work is an expression of myself and I love painting personal subjects, drawing inspiration from my immediate surroundings and subjective experiences. Through manipulation of color, light, composition, or concept I try to visual bring my message across to the viewer.

In today’s world, everything seems to be fast, grand, and extreme. Social media adds extra pressure to be beautiful, rich, adventurous, and successful. But happiness can be found in the ordinary things in life. Through my art, I like to show the beauty of everyday things like a small flower, the color of a fruit, or a morning walk in the mountains.

Life is fickle and we need to stand still, smell the flowers and enjoy the moments. Beauty can be found everywhere. The key is to appreciate the little things around us. This means keeping your eyes and ears open, honing your senses to pick up on things that we otherwise would not see. 

When you take a flower in your hand and really look at it, it's your world for the moment.

Georgia O'Keeffe