My basic palette

Today I like to share the colors that I recommend to all my new students and the palette of colors I am working with. My colour palette works on using two of each primary colors, with the addition of Titanium white and Burnt Siena. Working with a limited palette will create a unity throughout your painting . It is not to difficult to paint with only three or four colors ,but requires some practice in colour mixing .The benefit of using less colors is a more harmonious painting. By limiting your palette, you are forced to discover the full possibilities of each colour as you work.

Here are my basic colors :

  • Lemon yellow

  • Cadmium yellow

  • Cadmium red

  • Alizarin crimson

  • Cerulean Blue

  • French Ultramarine

  • Burnt Sienna

  • Titanium white

When you mix a colour on your palette do not stir it to much or you may dull the mixture. Use of the palette knife for mixing will help you obtain a more vibrant colour. Keep the use of white to a minimum. The white neutralizes your colour and often causes a chalky look. As you experiment with the mixing of colors you will also discover that some colors have a greater staining power than others.

Below see a colour chard that I use in my art classes to explain some basic colour mixing .

basic colour palette
”Color is my day-long obsession, joy and torment.”
— Claude Monet